Best Free AI Websites

Free Tools



Ponzu is an AI-powered tool that assists 3D asset designers and developers in quickly generating photorealistic, high-quality textures for their 3D models.

It is capable of generating textures for any idea, including custom, photorealistic, ukiyo-e, toon, cyberpunk, steampunk, watercolor, line art, art nouveau, and impressionist styles.

Use Cases:

Texture Generation: Ponzu helps designers and developers generate textures for their 3D models, saving time and effort.

Photorealistic Textures: The tool can create photorealistic textures that enhance the realism of 3D models.

Custom Styles: Ponzu offers a variety of styles to choose from, allowing users to customize the look of their 3D models.

Versatility: Ponzu is versatile and can generate textures for a wide range of styles, making it suitable for various projects.

Time Saving: By using Ponzu, designers and developers can save time on creating textures manually, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their projects.

High Quality: The textures generated by Ponzu are of high quality, ensuring that 3D models look realistic and professional.

Jeffrey Célavie


Jeffrey Célavie is a unique platform that combines AI technology and astrology to provide personalized insights and guidance.

It offers users a holistic approach to understanding themselves and their lives, blending the science of artificial intelligence with the ancient wisdom of astrology.

Use Cases:

Personalized Horoscopes: Jeffrey Célavie uses AI technology to analyze astrological data and provide users with personalized horoscopes based on their birth charts.

Life Path Analysis: The platform can provide insights into a user’s life path, helping them understand their strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges.

Relationship Compatibility: Jeffrey Célavie can analyze astrological compatibility between individuals, offering insights into their relationship dynamics.

Career Guidance: Users can receive guidance on career paths and opportunities based on their astrological profiles and AI analysis.

Wellness Recommendations: The platform can offer wellness recommendations based on astrological insights, helping users maintain balance and harmony in their lives.

Daily Insights: Jeffrey Célavie can provide users with daily insights and advice based on current astrological alignments and AI analysis.


Scene One


Scene One is an online book writing software designed by writers for writers. It works in any web browser and on any device, including phones, allowing users to create their stories in any style they choose.

It securely stores words in the cloud, making them accessible from anywhere.

Use Cases:

Cross-Device Compatibility: Scene One’s ability to work on any device ensures that writers can work on their stories anytime, anywhere.

Customizable Writing Styles: Writers can choose their writing style, whether it’s outlining, free writing, or structured drafting, to suit their creative process.

Cloud Storage: The platform securely stores words in the cloud, ensuring that work is safe and accessible from any device.

Efficiency Features: Scene One includes features to help authors write more efficiently, such as word count tracking, progress tracking, and organization tools.

Collaboration: Writers can collaborate with others by sharing their work and receiving feedback directly within the platform.

Privacy and Security: Scene One prioritizes privacy and security, ensuring that writers’ work is protected.

ReRoom AI


ReRoom AI is an AI-powered tool that enables users to transform their living spaces with AI-generated dream rooms.

Users can take a picture of their room and select a design theme from a range of 20+ styles to reimagine their space.

Use Cases:

Room Transformation: ReRoom AI allows users to visualize and plan the transformation of their living spaces with different design themes.

Design Options: The tool generates multiple design options for a given space, helping users preview different possibilities before making a final decision.

Ease of Use: Users can easily use the tool by taking a picture of their room and selecting a design theme, making it accessible and user-friendly.

Style Selection: With over 20 design styles to choose from, users can find a style that suits their preferences and taste.

Preview Functionality: The tool provides a preview of the AI-generated dream room, allowing users to see how the design will look in their space before making any changes.

Decision Making: ReRoom AI helps users make informed decisions about their room design by providing them with visual representations of different design options.

Viggle AI

Controllable Video Generation
Powered by JST-1,
the first video-3d foundation model with actual physics understanding,
starting from making any character move as you want.

MixYou can `/mix` a character image into a motion video

AnimateYou can `/animate` a static character with a text motion prompt

IdeateYou can `/ideate` a video purely from text



ProfilePro is a free Chrome Extension designed to optimize Google Business Profiles.

It uses AI technology to automate Google Business posts, generate optimized review responses, and suggest the most SEO-optimized business description for the user’s business.

Use Cases:

Automated Google Business Posts: ProfilePro automates the process of creating and scheduling Google Business posts, saving users time and effort.

Optimized Review Responses: The extension generates optimized responses to reviews, helping businesses maintain a positive online reputation.

SEO-Optimized Business Description: ProfilePro suggests the most SEO-optimized business description, helping businesses improve their visibility on Google.

SEO-Optimized Service and Product Descriptions: The extension provides SEO-optimized service and product descriptions, helping businesses get found by potential customers on Google Maps.

Improved Local Search Results: By managing their Google Business Profiles more effectively, businesses can improve their local search results and attract more customers.



Face Swap by Remaker is a free online tool that facilitates the swapping of faces in photographs. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows for easy head replacement in images with just a few taps, and without any intrusive watermarks or advertisements.

Use Cases:

Face Swapping: Users can swap their faces with friends, celebrities, animals, or inanimate objects, allowing for humorous and creative transformations.

Group Photo Corrections: The tool enables users to correct group photos by swapping faces to ensure everyone looks their best.

Recreational Experimentation: Users can use the tool for recreational experimentation with their appearance, creating engaging and humorous content.

Content Creation: Face Swap by Remaker can be used to create humorous videos, memes, and collages, adding a fun element to social media posts and messages.

User-Friendly Interface: The tool’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for users to swap faces in images, requiring minimal technical knowledge or expertise.

No Watermarks or Advertisements: Face Swap by Remaker offers a clean user experience without any intrusive watermarks or advertisements, allowing users to focus on creating and sharing their content.



LoopCV is the first platform that fully automates the job search process. Users can upload their resume (CV), define their job search parameters (job title, location, and extra filters), and automate the process of applying to new jobs every day.

LoopCV aims to streamline the job-hunting process, allowing users to spend more time learning and gaining new skills.

Use Cases:

Efficient Job Search: Automate the process of applying to new jobs daily, saving time and effort.

Customized Job Alerts: Receive notifications for new job opportunities that match your criteria.

Focus on Skill Development: Spend more time on learning and improving skills rather than searching and applying for jobs.

Increased Job Application Rate: Increase the number of job applications submitted daily, enhancing your chances of finding the right job.

Personalized Job Recommendations: Get personalized job recommendations based on your resume and job preferences.


OpusClip Captions

Make your raw short videos more engaging with OpusClip Captions. Our free tool lets you apply dynamic caption styles popularized by some of the world’s biggest content creators, straight onto your own videos.

Now you can swiftly add captions, turning a time-consuming task into a matter of minutes. Dive into the future of video engagement without delay.

Why use OpusClip Captions for your short video captioning?

Captions can give your short videos the engagement edge they need to find success with social media algorithms. What makes OpusClip Captions the right tool to leverage?

1. Stylish Captions Made for Engagement

OpusClip Captions lets you easily adopt engaging caption styles used by top content creators, ensuring your videos are as compelling as they are accessible.

2. Get Captions Back Fast

Get your captions in minutes, not hours. OpusClip Captions streamlines the process, allowing you to focus on creativity rather than captioning.

3. Save Money on Your Captioning

With our tool, you can apply captions to up to 3 videos per day, completely free of charge.


Series of multilingual large language models, independently developed by Shenzhen Yuanxiang Technology. 65B model has been thoroughly trained on a diversified and high-quality dataset consisting of 2.6 trillion of tokens, including more than 40 languages such as Chinese, English, Russian, and Spanish. The sampling ratio of different types of data is finely set, which makes the performance of Chinese and English excellent, and also takes into account the effect of other languages. Also it have Code data of different programming languages.

XVERSE AI Tool: Analyse Text, Create Text, Build Models, Chatbot, Write Code.

Introducing XVERSE – a powerful AI tool designed by Shenzhen Yuanxiang Technology that comes with a series of multilingual large language models! With the 65B model being thoroughly trained on a high-quality, diversified dataset with 2.6 trillion of tokens, XVERSE offers excellent performance in 40 different languages, including Chinese, English, Russian, and Spanish. The sampling ratio for different types of data has been optimized to balance the performance of Chinese and English with other languages. Moreover, XVERSE supports programming language code data, making it an ideal tool for AI writing, ML and more.

Key Features of XVERSE:

  • Series of multilingual large language models
  • 65B model that covers 2.6 trillion tokens
  • Supports 40 different languages
  • Sampling ratio finely set for optimal performance of all languages
  • Supports programming language code data

Possible Use Cases & Advantages of XVERSE:

  • AI writing, ML and more
  • Easily analyse, create, build and train models
  • Develop chatbot with natural language processing
  • Create and write code for different programming languages
  • Offers excellent performance across 40 different languages with advanced optimization of sampling ratio of different types of data


Tool was created to give people a new way to express themselves, share their curiosities, explore new ideas, and experience a trusted personal AI. It is built on world-class proprietary AI technology developed in-house. Its experience is intended to prioritize conversations with people, where other AIs serve productivity, search, or answering questions and it is a coach, confidante, creative partner, or sounding board.

Introducing Pi, Your Personal AI.

Introducing Pi – an AI tool that allows people to explore new ideas and express themselves like never before. With its proprietary AI technology, Pi is designed to prioritize conversations with people, rather than serving basic tasks such as productivity, search or giving answers. This AI tool works like a coach, confidante, creative partner or sounding board and provides a unique way to socialize, exchange ideas, and express yourself freely.

Key Features:

  • Analyse text
  • Create text
  • Analyse data
  • Chatbot
  • Transform text to speech

With Pi, you get the power of a virtual assistant and so much more. You can use Pi to easily analyse text, create text, analyse data, setup a chatbot, and transform text to speech. As such, Pi provides a unique opportunity for anyone looking to engage in meaningful conversations and further explore their curiosities in the world. With Pi, you get the power and convenience of a digital assistant, with the added advantage of AI technology.


Model aims at creating semi photorealistic images, can be used for versatile cases such as animation, photos, fantasy world characters.

RealCartoon-XL: Create Images and Find Inspiration for Semi-Photorealistic Images.

RealCartoon-XL is a powerful AI tool created for generating photorealistic images. It is the perfect solution to those looking to create artwork or animations, or to find inspiration for their art projects. With its semi-photorealistic capabilities, RealCartoon-XL helps to bring an artist’s imagination to life.

Key Features:

  • Create photorealistic images
  • Find creative inspiration
  • Smooth transitions and features

RealCartoon-XL can be used for a variety of purposes. Animators and artists can benefit from its photorealistic capabilities to bring life to their artwork. It can also be used to find inspiration for fantasy worlds, cartoons, and other creative projects. With RealCartoon-XL, you don’t have to limit your imagination.

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