Best Free AI Websites




Guidde is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses create step-by-step video documentation and documents for various purposes such as training, onboarding, and customer support.

With Guidde, users can capture their workflow, and the AI tool will generate a step-by-step description of the process and voiceover.

Users can also select from over 100 different voices and languages to personalize their video documentation.

Use Cases:

Training: Guidde can be used to create training videos for new employees, helping them quickly understand processes and procedures.

Onboarding: The platform can streamline the onboarding process by providing new hires with detailed instructions and guidance.

Customer Support: Guidde can be used to create tutorials and guides for customers, helping them troubleshoot issues on their own.

Process Documentation: Businesses can use Guidde to document their processes and procedures, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Personalization: Users can personalize their video documentation by selecting voices and languages that best suit their audience.

Visual Design: Guidde’s editor allows users to design visually appealing visuals without the need for design skills, enhancing the overall quality of the documentation.



LoopCV is the first platform that fully automates the job search process. Users can upload their resume (CV), define their job search parameters (job title, location, and extra filters), and automate the process of applying to new jobs every day.

LoopCV aims to streamline the job-hunting process, allowing users to spend more time learning and gaining new skills.

Use Cases:

Efficient Job Search: Automate the process of applying to new jobs daily, saving time and effort.

Customized Job Alerts: Receive notifications for new job opportunities that match your criteria.

Focus on Skill Development: Spend more time on learning and improving skills rather than searching and applying for jobs.

Increased Job Application Rate: Increase the number of job applications submitted daily, enhancing your chances of finding the right job.

Personalized Job Recommendations: Get personalized job recommendations based on your resume and job preferences.

Coach Marlee

It helps you overcome life’s challenges & design the life & career of your dreams.


  • Predictive analytics: Uncover team dynamics, compare success benchmarks
  • AI-human coaching fusion: Efficient talent guidance, conflict mitigation
  • Holistic resources: Science-driven wellbeing, skill enhancement
  • Adaptable use cases: Individual growth, team improvement, organization optimization

Network AI

Connect with industry professionals with our automated AI networking tool.

Perfect for Job Seekers.


  • AI-crafted messages: Tailored LinkedIn introductions
  • Progress monitoring: Networking results, favorites
  • Partnerships, professional opportunities
  • Support resources: Templates, courses, success stories
  • Payment flexibility: Multiple plans, free trial

Prodigy AI

ChatGPT-enabled coach that acts as an engineering manager to give devs quick, relevant and specific advice on how to achieve career success.


  • Individualized guidance: Personalized advice based on user’s experience, skills, and job search status
  • Resume evaluation: Upload a resume for further tailored recommendations
  • Data protection: Resumes deleted post-results generation to ensure privacy
  • Cost-free service: Encourages sharing of generated advice to promote the tool


Your success story begins with a resume.

Create a beautiful resume quickly with the help of artificial intelligence and our customizable templates. Impress your future employer with a perfect resume created in minutes.


  • Pick a resume template. Make it more you.
  • Get inspired by real resume examples.
  • Learn from successful resume examples.
  • Customizable resume templates for any profession.



Liftoff is an interview preparation tool that provides AI feedback on your mock interviews.

Status: Just Launched.

This tool will also make you practice your interview live with an AI. It seems like you are in a real interview.

Practice interviews from META, Amazon, Adobe, LinkedIn, Dropbox, and more.


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