Best Free AI Websites


Humanize AI

Humanize AI transforms AI-generated text into human-like content. This AI-to-human text converter, also known as the AI Humanizer, is designed to refine and rephrase text created by different AI writers, eliminating robotic undertones.

The output is undetectable by AI detection systems and retains the original meaning, context, and SEO value of the text.

Humanize AI uses proprietary algorithms to convert text from AI sources such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Microsoft Bing, QuillBot, Grammarly,, and into natural, human-like wording.

Use Cases:

Content Creators: Enhance AI-generated articles, blogs, and social media posts to ensure they resonate with human readers.

SEO Specialists: Maintain and enhance the SEO value of AI-generated content while making it more engaging and natural.

Marketing Teams: Refine AI-generated marketing copy to ensure it aligns with brand voice and appeals to target audiences.

Writers and Editors: Polish AI-generated drafts to produce high-quality, human-like content for publications.

Businesses: Convert AI-generated customer service responses, emails, and communications into more relatable and personable messages.



Isaac is an AI-first text editor designed specifically for academic writing. It offers an intuitive and user-friendly writing experience, aiming to make the academic writing process more satisfying.

With over 12,230 researchers and students already signed up, Isaac is particularly beneficial for writers seeking to enhance their writing productivity and achieve better results.

The tool features an AI-powered grammar and language checker, which helps ensure accurate grammar and spelling, making it especially appealing to non-native English speakers.

Use Cases:

Academic Research Papers: Isaac helps researchers draft, edit, and refine their research papers with ease, ensuring high-quality language and structure.

Thesis and Dissertations: Graduate students can streamline the process of writing their theses or dissertations, benefiting from Isaac’s AI-powered language checker.

Journal Articles: Academics can use Isaac to create well-written journal articles, enhancing their chances of publication.

Grant Proposals: Researchers can craft persuasive and well-structured grant proposals, increasing their likelihood of securing funding.

Coursework Assignments: Students can improve the quality of their essays and assignments, achieving better grades with Isaac’s writing support.

Peer Reviews: Academics can use Isaac to write clear and constructive peer reviews, contributing effectively to the academic community.




Verb is a revolutionary AI-powered writing app designed to help novelists create stories with more pleasure and less pain.

Using the latest AI technology, Verb offers an interactive writing experience tailored to the specific needs of the author.

Use Cases:

Interactive Writing Experience: Verb helps authors plan, write, and critique their work, offering tools to turn ideas into words.

Writer-Led Approach: Verb is obsessively writer-led, providing access to top editors to help authors create the best possible story.

Community Collaboration: Verb is continually evolving based on feedback from storytellers worldwide, allowing users to shape the tool and make it better.

Beta Access: Verb offers a limited beta for early access, giving users the opportunity to try out new features before they are widely available.

Community Engagement: Verb has a Discord community where users can join to connect with other writers, share tips, and collaborate.



MidReal is a platform that lets you craft interactive, illustrated stories with AI. Users can start with a sentence and then choose their own adventure to guide the story’s infinite unfolding.

The platform supports all genres, from anecdote to sci-fi to fantasy.

Use Cases:

Interactive Storytelling: MidReal allows users to create interactive stories where the narrative evolves based on the choices made by the reader.

Creative Writing: The platform can be used for creative writing exercises, allowing users to explore different storylines and plot twists.

Genre Exploration: Users can explore various genres of storytelling, from anecdote to sci-fi to fantasy, and create stories that fit their preferences.

Illustrated Stories: MidReal supports illustrated stories, adding visual elements to enhance the storytelling experience.

Infinite Story Possibilities: With its AI-powered storytelling engine, MidReal offers infinite story possibilities, ensuring that each reading experience is unique.

Engagement: The interactive nature of the stories created on MidReal can enhance reader engagement and immersion in the narrative.

Scene One


Scene One is an online book writing software designed by writers for writers. It works in any web browser and on any device, including phones, allowing users to create their stories in any style they choose.

It securely stores words in the cloud, making them accessible from anywhere.

Use Cases:

Cross-Device Compatibility: Scene One’s ability to work on any device ensures that writers can work on their stories anytime, anywhere.

Customizable Writing Styles: Writers can choose their writing style, whether it’s outlining, free writing, or structured drafting, to suit their creative process.

Cloud Storage: The platform securely stores words in the cloud, ensuring that work is safe and accessible from any device.

Efficiency Features: Scene One includes features to help authors write more efficiently, such as word count tracking, progress tracking, and organization tools.

Collaboration: Writers can collaborate with others by sharing their work and receiving feedback directly within the platform.

Privacy and Security: Scene One prioritizes privacy and security, ensuring that writers’ work is protected.

Netus AI

A powerful AI-driven Paraphraser, Summarizer and AI Detector


Create a beautiful resume/cover letter in seconds.


Create a stunning resume or cover letter in seconds with Kickresume’s all-in-one career toolbox. Utilizing AI and customizable templates powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3, it generates text that is nearly identical to human writing. No more writer’s block – effortlessly produce the first draft of your job application materials in mere seconds.


Corrector App

Check text with online spell checker.


This online spell checker highlights any mistakes or grammar issues in your text and provides suggestions for improvement. Simply click on the corrections to make changes and learn from the grammar explanations provided.




Arvin is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) writing tool that provides advanced content creation features for a range of domains.

Arvin Features:

1. Arvin is an AI writing assistant that offers advanced content generation tools for multiple domains.
2. With its ChatGPT prompt generators, Arvin can create content on various topics, including IT, music, business, coding, data analysis, and more.
3. Users can act as different roles, such as a cybersecurity specialist, CEO, and IT architect, to generate tailored content.
4. Arvin offers an AI cover letter generator, which automatically crafts professional and impressive cover letters without any effort.
5. Arvin also provides a Chrome extension for convenient access to content generation tools.

Rewriteit AI

ReWrite is a content tool that enables users to swiftly and effortlessly revise any written material and produce exceptional pieces that showcase their distinct voice and style.

Rewriteit AI Features:

  • Versatile tool for use on various types of written content.
  • Improves communication with better sounding e-mails and greater confidence.
  • Enhances writing skills by helping users rephrase or summarize in a concise, understandable way.
  • Improves language learning with better vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, and proofreading.
  • Easy to use with just one click.


UndetectableGPT is an AI-powered writing tool that creates articles specifically designed to evade detection by other AI systems. Users can choose from various writing styles, mix them together, and customize the output, making it a versatile content creation solution.

Key Features:

  • UndetectableGPT generates articles that bypass AI detectors
  • Offers various writing styles to choose from
  • Mix and match styles to achieve the desired tone
  • Customize the word count for generated content
  • Utilizes advanced AI technology with OpenAI GPT-3 API.

Penelope AI

Get help from a state-of-the-art AI writing assistant that can speed up your writing process effortlessly. With features such as paraphrasing, summarizing, story generation, and AI autocomplete, you can write better and faster than ever before.



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