Best Free AI Websites

Free Tools


What is Viva?

Viva AI, developed by AIGC Labs, stands at the forefront of innovation in artificial intelligence tools, offering a diverse range of functionalities to revolutionize content creation. Designed to cater to individuals and professionals seeking efficient and engaging content generation solutions, Viva AI simplifies the process of creating visually appealing multimedia content using advanced AI algorithms. Whether it’s converting text to images or crafting stunning videos, Viva AI empowers users to enhance their content creation efforts effortlessly.

Key Features:

  • Multimodality Support: Viva AI supports four modalities simultaneously, including text, image, video, and 3D models, providing a versatile platform for content creation.
  • Proprietary Data and Model Parameters: With over 13 billion proprietary data and model parameters, Viva AI ensures superior performance and accuracy in content generation.
  • AI Image Generation: Seamlessly convert words to visually captivating images with Viva AI’s free AI image generator.
  • AI Video Generation: Create stunning videos effortlessly using Viva AI’s free AI video generator.
  • Magic Tools: Features like Repainting, Magic Expand, Image Enhance, and Magic Eraser offer users powerful editing capabilities to enhance their content.


  • Versatility: Viva AI’s support for multiple modalities allows users to create diverse types of content.

  • Ease of Use: The intuitive interface makes content creation accessible to users of all skill levels.

  • Quality Output: Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, Viva AI delivers high-quality content with precision and efficiency.

  • Free Trial: Users can experience the power of Viva AI with a free trial, enabling them to explore its capabilities without commitment.


    Viva AI emerges as a leading solution in the realm of content creation, offering users a versatile platform to generate visually engaging multimedia content with ease. Its support for multiple modalities, combined with proprietary data and model parameters, ensures superior accuracy and performance. With a user-friendly interface, powerful editing tools, and flexible subscription options, Viva AI caters to the diverse needs of content creators, marketers, educators, and small business owners, making it an indispensable tool for enhancing online presence and driving engagement. is an AI-powered platform that simplifies the process of building REST APIs using natural language and screenshots. The platform allows users to deploy their APIs on Cloudflare Workers, making them instantly accessible on a global scale. supports the creation of multi-runtime APIs that adhere to web standards and are compatible with various runtime environments such as Cloudflare, Fastly, Deno, Bun, Lagon, AWS, and Node.js.

The platform includes a live API editor that enables users to test database access and API endpoints within a secure, sandboxed environment. Additionally, it allows the sharing and forking of created APIs through a URL, facilitating collaboration and iteration.

Use Cases:

API Development: Easily build REST APIs using natural language inputs and screenshots.

Global Deployment: Deploy APIs on Cloudflare Workers for instant global access.

Multi-Runtime Compatibility: Create APIs that are compatible with various runtime environments such as Cloudflare, AWS, and Node.js.

Live Testing: Utilize the live API editor to test database access and API endpoints in a secure environment.

Collaboration: Share and fork APIs via URL for collaborative development and iteration.


Rizzed is an AI-driven dating coaching app designed to help users enhance their dating skills and build confidence. By transforming dating anxiety into excitement and uncertainty into confidence, Rizzed offers a personalized coaching experience tailored to individual preferences and situations.

The app utilizes advanced AI technology to provide customized advice and strategies, making the dating process more enjoyable and less stressful. Rizzed is continually updated with new features based on user feedback, ensuring that it evolves to meet the changing needs of its users and provides an improved experience over time.

Use Cases:

Confidence Building: Gain personalized advice and strategies to boost confidence in dating scenarios.

Personalized Coaching: Receive tailored coaching tips based on your unique dating preferences and situations.

Anxiety Reduction: Transform dating anxiety into a more positive and exciting experience.

Adaptable Experience: Benefit from regular updates that enhance the app’s functionality and user experience based on feedback.

Skill Improvement: Learn and apply new dating skills to navigate different dating environments more effectively.


Live Portrait

Live Portrait is an AI-powered tool designed to breathe life into static portraits by adding realistic facial expressions and lip synchronization, driven by video input.

By analyzing the movements and expressions in a provided video, Live Portrait seamlessly transfers these dynamics onto a still image, effectively animating the portrait.

This technology enables users to create engaging and dynamic animations from static images without the need for advanced animation skills or software.

Use Cases:

Historical Figures Animation: Animate portraits of historical figures for educational content, museums, or documentaries.

Social Media Content Creation: Generate captivating animated portraits for posts, stories, or promotional content on social media platforms.

Marketing & Advertising: Create dynamic advertisements featuring animated characters or spokespeople to attract and engage audiences.

Entertainment & Media Production: Enhance films, TV shows, or web series by animating static images or illustrations.

Personalized Messaging: Craft personalized animated messages or greetings using photos of friends, family, or oneself.

Virtual Assistants & Avatars: Develop lifelike avatars for virtual assistants, customer service bots, or gaming characters.


HUUK.AI is an AI-powered tool designed to simplify and revolutionize the process of planning and personalizing trips. Its primary function is to create road trips by generating detailed itineraries and checklists for users’ adventures.

HUUK.AI also includes a budgeting feature that offers various pricing options to accommodate solo and group travelers. With a straightforward and user-friendly interface, HUUK.AI allows for easy interaction, enabling you to create your dream trip in minutes.

Simply input your intended destination, and the tool will begin planning for you, whether it’s a road trip from New York City to Boston or a three-day, two-night stay in Los Angeles.

Use Cases:

Road Trip Planning: Generate comprehensive road trip itineraries, including routes, stops, and attractions.

Adventure Checklists: Create detailed checklists to ensure all essentials are covered for your trip.

Budget Management: Utilize the budgeting feature to explore various pricing options and manage expenses for solo or group travels.

Destination Input: Input any destination to receive a customized travel plan, tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Time-Saving: Quickly plan trips without the hassle of manual research and organization, saving time and effort.

Personalized Travel Experience: Customize trips to match your travel style and interests, ensuring a unique and memorable experience.

Group Travel Coordination: Easily plan and coordinate trips for groups, ensuring everyone is on the same page with the itinerary and budget.


Edubrain is an AI-powered tool designed to support students with their homework across a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to maths, sciences, humanities, and computer science.

Users can simply enter their questions, select the relevant subject and academic level, and let the AI generate a detailed response, which can be further reviewed and customized if necessary.

This free-to-use tool aims to be a reliable solution for various homework tasks, providing swift and accurate assistance for learners and tutors alike. A standout feature of Edubrain is its extensive range of subjects covered and its open-ended usage, allowing users to ask an unlimited number of questions.

Use Cases:

Homework Assistance: Get detailed explanations and answers for homework questions across various subjects.

Subject-Specific Support: Select specific subjects and academic levels to receive tailored responses.

Tutoring Aid: Assist tutors in providing quick and accurate solutions to their students’ queries.

Study Aid: Use Edubrain as a study tool to better understand complex topics and prepare for exams.

Customizable Responses: Modify and personalize the generated responses to fit specific needs and learning styles.

Free and Unlimited Usage: Enjoy unlimited access to the tool without any restrictions on the number of questions asked.

Wide Subject Coverage: Benefit from support in a broad range of subjects, ensuring comprehensive academic assistance.

Flint – Smart Journal

Flint – Smart Journal is an AI-powered mobile application designed to aid users in self-discovery, emotional health management, and personal growth. It combines interactive journaling with AI-driven therapy, providing real-time insights and support.

The AI therapist embedded in the application offers personalized feedback tailored to resonate with users’ emotions and moods. Users can easily log daily moods, feelings, and activities while gaining a deeper understanding of their emotions, patterns, and triggers via AI-driven analysis of their entries.

Use Cases:

Emotional Health Tracking: Log daily moods and feelings to track emotional health over time.

AI Therapy Support: Receive personalized feedback from the AI therapist based on journal entries.

Self-Discovery: Gain insights into personal patterns and triggers through AI-driven analysis.

Stress Management: Identify stressors and learn coping strategies through journaling and AI feedback.

Goal Setting: Set and track personal growth goals, receiving motivation and tips from the AI.

Mood Analysis: Understand how different activities and events affect your mood.

Daily Reflection: Encourage daily reflection and mindfulness through structured journaling prompts.

Confidential and Secure: Maintain a private and secure space for emotional expression and growth.

Mail Generator

Mail Generator fundamentally transforms email creation and drafting by leveraging artificial intelligence to swiftly auto-produce personalized, highly-targeted emails. This AI email generator and writer tool eliminates the need for blank screen staring and improves overall communication efficacy.

The system accommodates a wide range of user inputs, including desired tone, language, length, and specific email recipient. It offers a selection of tones and caters to a comprehensive array of languages.

Beyond mere automation, the tool ensures emails are compelling and attention-grabbing, optimizing content quality to ensure clarity, persuasiveness, and relevance.

Use Cases:

Business Communication: Quickly generate professional emails for business correspondence, including client follow-ups, proposals, and meeting requests.

Marketing Campaigns: Create personalized and engaging email campaigns for marketing purposes, targeting specific customer segments with tailored messages.

Customer Support: Draft clear and empathetic responses to customer inquiries, complaints, or feedback, enhancing customer satisfaction and support efficiency.

Sales Outreach: Produce persuasive sales emails to potential clients, increasing the likelihood of responses and conversions.

Internal Communication: Facilitate effective internal communication within organizations by generating concise and relevant emails for team updates, announcements, and coordination.

Event Invitations: Craft compelling event invitations and reminders for webinars, conferences, and other events, ensuring maximum attendance and engagement.

Follow-up Emails: Automate the creation of follow-up emails to maintain engagement with leads, clients, and partners.

Multi-language Support: Cater to a global audience by generating emails in various languages, enhancing communication with international clients and partners.

Free Deep Dive Research Assistant

The Free Deep Dive Research Assistant by ModularMind is an AI-powered tool designed to provide users with an efficient method for analyzing and researching a variety of content types, including text files, PDFs, images, and web pages.

This tool streamlines the investigation of these resources by automating the extraction and organization of relevant data. By leveraging artificial intelligence, it processes large amounts of information quickly and effectively, making it an invaluable asset for professionals across various fields such as content creation, web development, academia, and business entrepreneurship.

Use Cases:

Content Analysis: Quickly analyze text files, PDFs, images, and web pages to extract key information, aiding content creators in gathering research material efficiently.

Academic Research: Assist students and researchers in analyzing academic papers and research articles, organizing relevant data for easier reference and study.

Business Intelligence: Support business professionals in investigating market trends, competitor analysis, and industry reports by automating data extraction and synthesis.

Web Development: Help web developers by analyzing web pages to extract useful insights, optimizing web content and structure.

Data Organization: Automatically organize and categorize extracted data, making it easier to access and reference important information.

Image Analysis: Analyze images to extract text and relevant data, supporting various professional needs such as design, marketing, and reporting.

PDF Management: Efficiently process and extract data from PDFs, streamlining tasks related to document management and reporting.

Time-Saving Research: Save time on manual data extraction and organization, allowing professionals to focus on more critical tasks and decision-making.

Multi-Format Support: Handle multiple content formats seamlessly, providing a versatile tool for comprehensive research and analysis.

Enhanced Productivity: Increase productivity by automating repetitive and time-consuming research tasks, enabling professionals to achieve more in less time.

Secret Llama

Secret Llama is an intelligent tool designed to streamline and enhance communication and collaborative processes within organizations.

Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, Secret Llama goes beyond traditional messaging platforms by predicting and suggesting functionalities based on user behaviors and specified needs.

This AI-driven system excels in managing tasks such as team coordination, project management, scheduling, and file sharing. Secret Llama can be integrated with various other systems and platforms, providing a comprehensive workspace solution.

Developed with a focus on facilitating seamless interaction among team members, regardless of their geographical location, Secret Llama aids in the successful completion of multi-stage projects.

Use Cases:

Team Coordination: Streamline communication and collaboration among team members, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Project Management: Manage multi-stage projects efficiently with advanced task management and progress tracking features.

Scheduling: Simplify scheduling meetings and events, with AI-driven suggestions for optimal times.

File Sharing: Facilitate easy and secure sharing of files and documents within the organization.

Behavior-Based Suggestions: Leverage AI to predict and suggest functionalities based on user behaviors, enhancing productivity.

Integration with Other Platforms: Integrate seamlessly with various other systems and platforms, creating a unified workspace solution.

Remote Collaboration: Enable seamless interaction and collaboration among team members across different geographical locations.

SaaS Forge

SaaS Forge is an AI-enabled tool designed to generate micro SaaS (Software as a Service) ideas. It assists developers, tech founders, and individuals in conceptualizing their next project in the SaaS space.

By inputting a topic or selecting a specific industry, SaaS Forge formulates a unique SaaS idea based on the user’s specified parameters.

For those seeking spontaneous inspiration, it also provides a ‘random’ feature, which generates ideas across various industries and topics. SaaS Forge simplifies the brainstorming process and focuses on expediting the ideation phase of micro SaaS development. It is trusted by numerous founders for generating innovative SaaS ideas.

Use Cases:

Targeted SaaS Ideation: Users can input specific topics or industries to generate tailored micro SaaS ideas that align with their interests and expertise.

Spontaneous Inspiration: The ‘random’ feature generates diverse SaaS ideas, providing users with a broad range of possibilities to explore.

Expedited Brainstorming: SaaS Forge streamlines the brainstorming process, allowing users to quickly move from ideation to development.

Idea Validation: Founders can use SaaS Forge to validate and refine their initial concepts by generating multiple variations and evaluating their potential.

Market Exploration: Users can explore new markets and niches by generating SaaS ideas that cater to different industries and consumer needs.

Project Planning: SaaS Forge helps in the early planning stages by providing clear and actionable SaaS concepts, making it easier to outline development steps and strategies.

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