Best Free AI Websites


Description is the first and only earnings call analysis platform of its kind.

Use Cases:

Comprehensive Insights: provides comprehensive insights into a company’s performance, combining financial analysis with sentiment and vocal pattern analysis.

Strategic Decision-Making: The platform helps investors and analysts make more informed decisions by providing a deeper understanding of earnings call discussions.

Competitive Advantage: By offering a unique perspective on executive sentiment and internal dynamics, provides users with a competitive advantage in interpreting earnings calls.

Market Understanding: enhances market understanding by analyzing both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of earnings calls, giving users a more holistic view of companies’ performance.

Investor Relations: Companies can use to gain insights into how their earnings calls are perceived and make adjustments to improve their communication strategies.



Vispunk is an image-first tool that enhances the workflow of generative AI for image creation.

It provides an alternative approach to traditional AI image workflows, emphasizing the use of images to compose coherent and customized results.

Use Cases:

Customized Results: Vispunk allows users to create customized images by adding their own images to the canvas and manipulating them using familiar tools and new features introduced by the tool.

Magic Assets: The tool offers Magic Assets, which allow users to sketch a rough shape and create unlimited images with a similar shape.

Workflow Enhancement: Vispunk enhances the workflow of generative AI for image creation by providing an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Alternative Approach: Vispunk offers an alternative approach to traditional AI image workflows, giving users more control over the creative process.

Coherent Compositions: By emphasizing the use of images to compose coherent results, Vispunk helps users create visually appealing images more efficiently.



Wave is an AI note-taking tool designed for iOS devices that records audio and phone calls, transcribes and summarizes them, giving you smart summaries of your most important moments.

It goes beyond simple note-taking by leveraging AI technology to generate insightful summaries from your recordings.

This feature is useful for capturing the essence of brainstorming sessions, lectures, fitness instructions, and more, without the need to sift through hours of audio.

Use Cases:

Meeting Summaries: Wave can provide summaries of important meetings, helping you capture key points and action items.

Phone Call Transcriptions: The tool can transcribe phone calls, making it easier to review important information discussed during the call.

Doctor Visit Summaries: Wave can summarize important details from doctor visits, ensuring you remember important instructions and advice.

Lecture Summaries: Wave can generate summaries of lectures, helping you review key concepts and information.

Brainstorming Session Highlights: The tool can highlight key ideas and insights from brainstorming sessions, making it easier to follow up on promising concepts.

Fitness Instruction Summaries: Wave can summarize fitness instructions, helping you remember exercise routines and techniques.


Boost Your Shopify Store with Shoppable Videos and a TikTok like Feed

Supercharge your static product pages with automatically placed videos engaging new generation of shoppers through their social love language! Spur impulse purchases with a swipe-up shoppable video feed, increasing sales by 400%.

Ever wondered how to elevate your retail strategy in the video-first era? Enter Popclips – simple, powerful, shoppable videos that let you highlight and tag up to five products per video clip with direct in-video shopping.

These clips can be seamlessly integrated across various platforms, including websites, mobile apps, emails and diverse marketing channels, to make your brand video-first everywhere!



UXsniff is an AI-powered tool that provides user experience insights by analyzing session recordings and identifying abnormal click patterns on websites.

It serves as a virtual UX analyst, transforming the UX analysis process. Users can add a tracking code to their website, allowing UXsniff to monitor and analyze user behavior.

Use Cases:

User Experience Analysis: UXsniff helps analyze user behavior on websites, providing insights into how users interact with the site.

Abnormal Click Pattern Detection: The tool identifies abnormal click patterns, such as “rage clicking,” which can indicate frustration points for users.

Session Recordings: UXsniff offers session recordings, allowing users to see exactly how users navigate and interact with their website.

Improvement Opportunities: By analyzing user behavior, UXsniff helps identify areas for improvement in website design and functionality.

Real-Time Monitoring: Users can monitor user behavior in real-time, gaining immediate insights into how changes to the website impact user experience.


Chaindesk’s AI YouTube Summarizer is a tool that summarizes YouTube videos in one click.

Using advanced AI algorithms, the tool can quickly analyze the content of a video and generate a concise summary that captures the main points and key information presented in the video.

Use Cases:

Time-Saving: The AI YouTube Summarizer saves time by providing a quick overview of a video’s content, allowing users to decide whether to watch the full video.

Content Discovery: Users can use the tool to discover new content and decide which videos are most relevant to their interests.

Study Aid: Students and researchers can use the tool to quickly summarize educational videos and lectures, making it easier to review and understand the content.

Content Curation: Content creators can use the tool to quickly summarize videos for their audience, providing valuable insights without requiring viewers to watch the entire video.

Accessibility: The tool can make video content more accessible to individuals with limited time or attention spans, allowing them to quickly grasp the main points of a video.



Guidde is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses create step-by-step video documentation and documents for various purposes such as training, onboarding, and customer support.

With Guidde, users can capture their workflow, and the AI tool will generate a step-by-step description of the process and voiceover.

Users can also select from over 100 different voices and languages to personalize their video documentation.

Use Cases:

Training: Guidde can be used to create training videos for new employees, helping them quickly understand processes and procedures.

Onboarding: The platform can streamline the onboarding process by providing new hires with detailed instructions and guidance.

Customer Support: Guidde can be used to create tutorials and guides for customers, helping them troubleshoot issues on their own.

Process Documentation: Businesses can use Guidde to document their processes and procedures, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Personalization: Users can personalize their video documentation by selecting voices and languages that best suit their audience.

Visual Design: Guidde’s editor allows users to design visually appealing visuals without the need for design skills, enhancing the overall quality of the documentation.



LearnLingo is a conversational AI tool designed to help users practice and develop their language skills.

With its AI-driven technology, LearnLingo offers personalized and realistic conversations that simulate real-life scenarios, allowing users to improve their communication skills in a comfortable and convenient environment.

Use Cases:

Personalized Conversations: LearnLingo provides personalized conversations that adapt to the user’s proficiency level, offering challenges accordingly.

Real-Life Scenarios: The tool simulates real-life scenarios, helping users practice language skills in contexts they may encounter in everyday life.

Interactive Sessions: Learners of all skill levels can benefit from LearnLingo’s interactive sessions, which are designed to engage users and enhance learning.

Vocabulary Expansion: LearnLingo provides translations for unfamiliar words or phrases, enabling learners to expand their vocabulary and comprehension.

Convenient Learning: Users can practice language skills at their own pace and convenience, making learning more accessible and enjoyable.



PicAI Image & Avatar Generator is a tool available on the App Store that allows users to generate images and avatars using artificial intelligence technology.

Use Cases:

Image Generation: Users can generate images using AI technology, which can be used for various purposes such as social media, websites, or personal projects.

Avatar Creation: The tool allows users to create custom avatars for their profiles on social media platforms or gaming accounts.

Compatibility: PicAI is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

User-Friendly Interface: The tool features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to create and customize images and avatars.

App Store Features: Users can read reviews, compare customer ratings, and view screenshots of the tool before downloading it, helping them make informed decisions.

Hero GPT


Hero GPT’s ChatGPT & Midjourney Prompt Generator is a tool that allows users to generate dynamic prompts for use in ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other generative AI platforms that accept complex prompts.

Use Cases:

Dynamic Prompts: Users can generate dynamic prompts for AI platforms, allowing for more varied and engaging interactions.

Customization: The tool allows users to customize prompts based on their specific needs and preferences.

Ease of Use: The tool is user-friendly and easy to use, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Integration: Users can integrate the generated prompts into their workflow seamlessly, enhancing their AI interactions.

Improving AI Output: By using dynamic prompts, users can potentially improve the output of AI models, leading to more accurate and relevant responses.

Experimentation: The tool allows users to experiment with different types of prompts to see how they affect AI-generated content.


KnowledgeGraph GPT


KnowledgeGraph GPT is a web application that utilizes OpenAI’s GPT-3 model to convert unstructured text data into a structured knowledge graph representation.

Use Cases:

Structured Data Generation: Users can input unstructured text data and generate a structured knowledge graph representation.

Visualization: The application allows users to visualize the generated knowledge graph for better understanding and analysis.

Export: Users can export the generated knowledge graph as JSON for further processing or integration with other tools.

Open Source: KnowledgeGraph GPT is available as open-source code on Github, allowing users to contribute to its development and customize it to their needs.

Copyright Protection: The application is copyright protected, ensuring that its code and features are not misused or copied without permission.

Caption Spark


Caption Spark is a tool developed by that helps users find inspirational captions for their Instagram posts. Users can submit a post topic, such as ‘life’, and the tool will generate a selection of captions related to the topic.

Use Cases:

Inspiration: Caption Spark provides users with inspirational captions for their Instagram posts, helping them come up with creative ideas.

Ease of Use: The tool is easy to use, allowing users to quickly generate captions for their posts without spending a lot of time brainstorming.

Stand Out: By using Caption Spark, users can create captivating captions that help them stand out among their followers on Instagram.

Variety: The tool generates a selection of captions related to the chosen topic, giving users a variety of options to choose from.

Engagement: Captions play a crucial role in engaging followers on Instagram, and Caption Spark can help users create captions that encourage interaction.

Time-Saving: Caption Spark saves users time by providing them with ready-made captions that they can use for their posts.

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